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Thoughts on Thursday : Advice for A High School Grad

Tomorrow the last of four girls graduates high school. This is honestly a big deal. When you go through events over three times in your life you start to miss them when they are gone. Events such as elementary school fall festivals, Middle school sports, and just the reminder that 6 years ago I was in the same situation. I would rather forget about it but tomorrow I will experience a high school graduation for the last time when it comes to my sisters. We are all finally adults. I keep repeating it through my head because that is how I think. 

I really don't understand my obsession with this but all in all that is life. So without further adoo.... I give my advice to my soon to be graduate baby sister. 

1. Keep Dreaming
2. Don't do it for the Money
3. Continue Educating yourself
4. Try new things
5. Let your heart and your head guide you
6. Take deep breathes 
7. Positive thoughts
8. Sit in the front
9. Talk to your Neighbor
10. Meet a non-traditional student
11. Attend a meeting
12. Join Something
13. Don't be afraid to be Late
14. Don't be afraid to ask questions
15. Be You
16. Make decisions and goals
17. Take a fun class
18. Take a fitness class
19. Take a art class
20. Take a finance class
21. Get a cool back pack
22. Get a map, agenda and books ahead of time
23. Make a friend
24. Take Naps
25. Find computer labs
26. Use Library and Study halls
27. Eat Breakfast and Lunch (pack)
28. Rain boots, Snow boots, Tennis shoes, Jackets, gloves, scarf and Umbrella
29. Eat a warm lunch
30. Get there Early
31. Take Freebies!
32. Take it easy
33. Plan ahead
34. Have some fun!
35. Enjoy long nights!

Ha ha so what do you think about that! I think this list would have come in handy back when I started college almost 6 years ago.

Hopefully this will come in handy for some one else!



  1. What a wonderful list!! I wish someone had given that to me as well :-)

  2. I love you and really appreciate you Court! You are wonderful and wiser then most ! thats why i listen to you! I'm pretty sure i'll be referring back to this list alot during my college years. You are one of the best people i know. I love you!
    and Todays the Day !
    Love you Court!

  3. lot's of good advice there from someone so young!
    Congratulations Nicky!

  4. Congratulations! And I know what you mean, I do miss those times in school. The list sounds good.

    1. I hate when I say I miss school but in all honesty I do! However if I went back I would probably want to just go home!

  5. Found your blog on The Perfect Pear's link-up! It's so cute. :) And I'm a junior in high school and this still helped. :)


    1. Awesome Brooke! Im going to check out your blog right now! Thanks for checking me out!


So what do you think? I love reading comments... drop me a line and a link!