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Try It Tuesday: Egg Shell Plantings

 First of all I want to thank all of my good blog buds for lifting me up yesterday! I had full intentions yesterday on completing nothing and thought that completing nothing would be pretty easy to accomplish. I was wrong but it ended up being a good thing. My little sister surprised me by walking over to the apartment with her dog and brought me lots of good moss she found four wheeling last weekend with her boyfriend. We went on a 5 mile walk around town and stopped to get some thrifty finds at the local mini mall and drop of packages at the post office. It was nice. When I got back I was full of energy so I decided to finish all the planting that I had already started. 

 So maybe you have seen this floating around pinterest and other blogs but I thought it was such a creative way to start seedlings by using eggshells. Its definitely a environmentally friendly, low budget, super easy way to start a garden if you don't have access to a yard or ground.

And if you look around you can find seeds for 20 cents a package but get them quick because last year I started late and they were sold out so I had to get the dollar packages. All you have to have is a carton of used, washed egg shells, some potting soil and seeds. That's it! Simple as that! My carton is sitting in my window sill at the moment. I can't wait to watch them grow. 

 I also replanted all of my indoor plants into these cute vintage cups and saucer I found thrifting earlier that day. Ps. be sure that you find the soil that is just for potting and not ground unless your planting in the ground. I bought a big bag of miracle grow soil and when I got home didn't realize it was not meant for pots. Lesson learned but I used it anyway, I just mixed it with the soil I already had.

My mom gave me these hostas which she told me came from Illinois where I was born and we lived till I was in 1st grade. So I put them in pots... they make add a nice touch to our concrete slab patio ;).

Wait those aren't seeds! Lol I have some skulls in the backyard from roadkill and such and the skulls finally cleaned themselves so I got to remove the teeth! I want to use them for jewelry or even a dream catcher or maybe just throw them in a old bottle for my curio cabinet. Not sure yet.

I am trying to grow green beans, cucumbers, pumpkin, bell peppers, banana peepers, tomatoes, and all kinds of flowers and herbs so I will keep you updated. I definitely don't have a green thumb like my mother but I am trying!

Oh and I found this comic at the mini mall and it just reminded me of that inner green rage that I need to get back. I am keeping this as a reminder to get focused and work! Isn't it funny how life just brings little uplifts/reminders when you least expect it or maybe it is all about how you look at things and if your looking for something to uplift you!

Oh I also found these cute little mexico style salt and pepper shakers... lol. 

 Have you ever been down and had something unexpected remind or lift you up? Tell me about it. 
Who is the one person you turn to when your down and out?


  1. Love this idea!! I just started some jalapeno and spinach seeds germinating in a wet paper towel two days ago. I got seedlings for a lemon tree by doing that so I figured I'd give it try again! Plants/herbs/veggies grow so fast in this PR tropical weather haha.

    Actually, yes I've been down this past week because my man is gone on a research cruise (we're both scientists) and I'm at home alone to attend our classes, take care of the pets, etc. I just received a big care package from my mom with lots of goodies in it and it just totally brightened my day! Nay, my week!! I love getting mail and I can always count on Mom to pick me up with little goodies :)

    1. How sweet! My mom always gives me little knick knacks on any occasion, I love it! So cool that your a scientist! My seedlings sprouted last year but died because we occasionally get a random chill around here. Getting a package is always nice!

  2. Usually when I'm down I take solace in knowing that I have a loving family and they always are super supportive. Great post as always my fellow Berea friend :-)

    1. Family is a major support system! Thanks my berea bud!:D

  3. When I am down - simply looking at or talking to my three year old lifts me up. I can't not smile when I am around him!

    What a great idea to start seedlings, I may have to try that although it takes me a while to go through a lot of eggs. :)

    1. Oh my goodness I wish I had a 3 year old. Little ones always seem to remind me that life is just life so enjoy it! So many good responses! I been saving the egg shells in the carton in the fridge... which may not be good but... oh well lol.

  4. I am very jealous of the teeth.

    1. love my little teeth! I have them in a bottle for safe keeping :D


So what do you think? I love reading comments... drop me a line and a link!