2012 just kinda came and went for me. I seriously kept thinking were in 2011 and getting ready to hit 2012 but were not. Why does it seem like some years are like that and others are epic? Anyway I really wanted to take the time to reflect at what all had been done. Before I sat and went through my facebook and blog posts the only thing I could have told you is that my gram died. I guess cause of all the experiences that had that effected me the most. However it was great to look back and realize all the good things that happend that I had forgotten about! So here's a little look into what my 2012 looked like...
Had a lot of firsts....
I dyed my hair red!

I went camping without my parents and no electric!

I did a festival by myself!

Physically sat and watched a complete sunset.

Got my first puppy!

Got preggo

First time being a Guest speaker to a whole Elementary school
Directed a successful Art summer camp by myself... 2 weeks worth!

Got our first official couple shots done by my little sis!

Ate french Macaroons!

I started this blog!
I did some wholesale orders and made a good lady friend in Australia

I got a lovely gift and card from a happy customer!

Red hot chili pepper concert with my love!
First time I had my artwork displayed in a gallery!
Got my first instant camera!
1st Post Art Exchange... so far a success! (it was always a little dream of mine to make mail art)

Did my first wedding order and had quite a few more after that!
Some crazy things...
I got a caricature drawn of me and justin

Won (honorable mention) a pumpkin carving contest on ABM

Made a handmade pair of costumes for me and justin on Halloween

My cuzzies came down and we all got to see our gram for the last time.

Turned 6 this year... an official leap year Birthday!
My older sister and I did the mushroom festival which was one of my favorites!

I made over 1000 sales in my shop and it turned one!

I made some unique new friends who live elsewhere and near me ;)
Got to escape to a new beach this year!

Got to go on a mini vacation to the smokies!!

Bought myself a new laptop and camera with my own hard earned cash!
My car finally got fixed! It was a miracle!
My dad gave me his truck! :D
Paid off my credit cards!
Some sad things...
My grandma passed away.

My last baby sis graduated from high school!

Went without a car for 7 months ( a good experience but it did suck sometimes)

This is one of the big reasons why I love blogging, the recap. Maybe the first or second year I started my blog, I felt like I had done nothing special all year but when you look back through your posts you see all these great things you forgot happened. Seems like you had a pretty epic year to me!
ReplyDeleteHappy new year!
Happy New Year Angel!! You are so right even though sometimes it feels like I am posting on fb and my blog for nothing I now see the true value... memories! :D
DeleteOf all the things on the list, the French Macaroons stood out for me lol. I suppose I have a teeny tiny sweet tooth
ReplyDeletehaha they were good one little secret goal for next year will be try to make them myself!
DeleteThat's a pretty epically successful year you got there!
ReplyDeleteThanks I guess it's all in how you look at it! Now that I look back I see things were a lot better than I thought!
Deletelove it! soo cool and thanks for sharing your year! May 2013 be even better for you!